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Friday, July 22, 2011

Frozen Berry Sherbet

Frozen Berry Sherbet

This may sound like a weird combination but I promise it’s really good and refreshing, we have it every night.

(I do this in my Vita-mix with my plunger, if you have a regular blender you will probably need a spatula to scrape the sides down as you go)

Blend together:
Frozen peas
Frozen berries- I use mixed berries from Costco, blueberries are also good
Milk Alternative (Soy, Almond, Rice or Coconut Milk)- starting with a small amount and adding if needed, you want this to be thick like Ice Cream
Vanilla Protein Powder- optional
Spirulina- optional (This is my favorite “Super Food”) Spirulina is a "Superfood." It is the most nutritious, concentrated whole food known to humankind. One 3 gram serving of Hawaiian Spirulina provides more antioxidant activity than 5 servings of fruits and vegetables

** I also add some of our Energy bar to add additional nutrients, it gives it more texture and is more filling.

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